Tuesday 28 February 2017


This week we had our first softball lesson with Youthtown. We will be having weekly softball sessions with them until the end of term. Our first lesson was focussed around throwing and catching.

Group Points - T1 Week 3 2017

For the third week in a row the Fantastic Four have won the group points last week. However there are a couple of groups who are not far behind.

Well done to Jorja who is our REP of the week and joined the Fantastic Four and they were rewarded with a Juicie.

Friday 24 February 2017

Surfing Pros

We had an awesome day today with Room 7 out at Sumner. We spent the day surfing, body boarding, swimming, playing games, building sand castles and enjoying the sun. Well done to all students who showed massive amounts perseverance while learning to surf.

Big thanks to the surfing instructors, parents and our teacher aide Liz. Without you guys we wouldn't be able to go on these trips.

Bring on our trip to the Horizon High Ropes next Wednesday.