Friday 31 March 2017

Easter Mufti Day 2017

Today we had an Easter themed mufti day at school. Students paid for the mufti day by donating chocolate, which goes towards making our Easter raffle prizes.

Well done to everyone who dressed up and to Emma who took out best dressed out of the whole school.

Group Points - Week 7 and 8 T1 2017

Last week with us being out on the Trek we didn't announce our group points winners from last week. Well done to the Fantastic Four who took out week 7. Our REP of the week from last week was Zek.

This week was a close race with three groups tied on second place on 550 points. The A Team took out the win only winning by 50 points. Well done to Deana who was drawn as our REP of the week. Only two more weeks until we reveal our winning group for Term 1!

Weekly Reflections

Today we started our weekly reflections. From now on every Friday we will be reflecting on our week whether it is informal by discussing our week as a class or formal by recording it in our Record of Learning. This is a great way to see how we are tracking each week and see how we can make our time at Casebrook even better.

This week as a class we shared our peak and our pit of the week.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Beach Trek

We had an awesome day walking from New Brighton beach to Spencer Park. The weather played its part and it was a great way to finish off our Adventure Days for 2017.

Well done to the whole Year 7 team who showed a lot of perseverance to get through the big 10km walk.

Attitude Talk

On Wednesday we had Zoey from Attitude come and talk to the Year 7's about friendships. Zoey talked about different types of friendships, how to make friendships and how to keep them. It was a very entertaining and informative talk.

Friday 17 March 2017

Group Points - Week 6 T1 2017

Well done to the Fantastic Four who took out our group points this week. Followed closely by Too Loud who were only 50 points behind.

Well done also to Kodee who was drawn as our REP of the week.

We have had a jam packed week with swimming sports on Wednesday and Thursday. Well done to all students who competed, we had a lot of students in Room 9 who got placings in their races. Congratulations to our boys and girls class relay teams who came 2nd and 3rd respectively. Keep an eye on the school website ( for a rundown/photos on both days.

Friday 10 March 2017

First House Event 2017

Today we had our first house event for the year. Students dressed up in their house colours and competed in the house tug of war competition.

Well done to all students who all participated, it was a great day.

(Watch the video in HD)

High Ropes and Surfing Videos 2017

Watch in HD. Enjoy.

Group Points - T1 Week 5 2017

Well done to Too Loud who took out the group points this week, followed closely by Team Wildfire.

For the second week in a row Sam was drawn as our REP of the week.

Well done guys you have shown a lot of REP this week.

Fitness Freaks

This week we have been focussing on improving our fitness and strength. We completed fitness circuits and focussed on using correct technique. This will be our focus in PE for the rest of the term.

Friday 3 March 2017

Group Points - T1 Week 4 2017

We have a new winner for our group points this week. Well done to Team Wildfire who took out the group points this week followed closely by the Fluffy Unicorns.

Well done to Sam who is our REP of the week. These students were rewarded with a Juicie.

Just a reminder that school is closed on Monday for a Teachers Only day. Have a great long weekend team.

Elections 2017

Today we voted on who is going to be our student leaders for Room 9 for 2017. This is a great leadership role where the student elected becomes the class voice at student council meetings and represents the school at school events.

Well done to all students who ran for this role the presentations were engaging and entertaining. In writing this week we have been focusing on persuasive writing and focussing on how to hook in and engage our audience. These skills were evident during the student leader presentations.

We voted today and our student leaders will be announced at the start of next week.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

High in the Sky

Today we had a great day with Room 8 at the Horizon High Ropes. It was a full on day of team building games, climbing and flying. All students really pushed themselves and never gave up.

Big thanks to our parents and Mr Russell for coming out and helping today.

Well done team a lot of REP was shown throughout the whole day.