To finish our Inquiry into looking at 'How Stuff Works' we held a Market Day. We invited staff and our collab class Room 10 to spend their Banqer money and buy the products/services being sold.
Business teams were able to put their business plans into action and have a real experience of what it's like to run a business. It was a very successful day with all businesses selling out.
Last week we tested our fitness levels by completing the Beep Test. It was awesome to see all the students pushing themselves and showing perseverance.
The top 3 students were Emma, JB and Dylan.
We will carry on building our fitness as the term goes on and try and improve our Beep Test score at the end of the term.
Well done to the students that were involved in the Cultural Festival. We had our Korean Dance, Pasifika and Kapa Haka perform at Horncastle Arena last night. It was an amazing performance and all the students showed a lot of REP, pride and passion for Casebrook and their culture.
Today we had our first practice for our class dance in our school production 'Aotearoa Bandstand'. It was really awesome to see everyone participating and giving it a real good go. Heaps of enthusiasm and REP shown during our practice.
This was our first practice and it is already looking really good/entertaining.
For our Open Night that was held on Wednesday night we wanted to show potential students and their families what we love most about Casebrook and Room 9.
We created posters that were on display in our class during open night. This was a great way for potential students and their families to see all the different things that we love most about Casebrook and Room 9.