Monday 30 April 2018

Tech Update T2 2018

Today students had their second to last Tech session for Semester 1. As Year 8's students select which tech classes they are going to be part of for the three semesters. Students can select from Foods, Hard Materials, Art, Science and Digi Tech.

It's awesome to see the students getting involved and making the most of the great hands on learning that goes on in the Tech classes. Students will start their next Semester of Tech in two weeks.

Saturday 14 April 2018

Casebrook Challenge T1 2018

We ended an action packed Term 1 with our Casebrook Challenge Assembly. Well done to all the students in Room 9 and 10 who received a gold badge.

This term every student in Room 9 received a gold badge. It is awesome to see everyone striving for excellence and getting gold.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Super REP - Week 11 T1 2018

Well done to Drelyn, Jess, Summa and Zek who received their Super REP badge. They received their badge for earning 150 REP cards (50 respect, 50 excellence and 50 perseverance REP cards).

They were presented with their Super REP badge at assembly today by Mrs Keen and will have their photo on the Super REP wall in the office foyer.

Assembly Awards/Badges - Week 11 T1 2018

Well done to Room 9 who received two awards at assembly today.

Room 9 Boys (awarded to our class leader Drelyn) - Swimming (First in Year 8 boys relay)

Room 9 Girls (awarded to our deputy class leader Alyssa) - Swimming (Third in Year 8 girls relay)

We also had the following students receive a badge at assembly today.

Kaitlyn received her respect badge for earning 30 respect REP cards.

These students received their perseverance badge for earning 30 perseverance REP cards: Aryan, Ollie, Sam, Deana and Josh.

Friday 6 April 2018

Self Portraits

Check out some of the awesome self portraits that we have been working on. Students were given half their face and they had to create and design their alter ego on the other half.

Friday Good Vibes - Week 10 T1 2018

Well done to these students who received a Friday Good Vibes postcard for Week 10.

Kodee and Drelyn received their postcards for all their hard work during Mahi Time.

Emma received her postcard for consistently working hard this term and always doing the right thing.