Thursday 31 May 2018

Cross Country 2018

After all the rain at the start of the week we were finally able to have our school cross country this morning. Well done to the students from Room 9 for giving it their all, all that training we have been doing this term really paid off.

Congrats to Dylan who came first in the Year 8 Boys race and to Emma who came first in the Year 8 Girls race.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

First Turbo Touch Session T2 2018

Today Room 9 and 10 had their first session of Turbo Touch with Logan from Canterbury Touch. This term for PE we have been focussing on Touch and Netball. It is great to be able to learn a new sport which incorporates skills and rules from both Touch and Netball.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Super REP - Week 4 T2 2018

Well done to Ruby who received her Super REP badge. She received her Super REP badge for earning 150 REP cards (50 respect, 50 excellence and 50 perseverance).

Ruby was presented with her Super REP badge at Assembly yesterday by Mrs Keen and will have her photo on the Super REP wall in the office foyer.

REP Badges - Week 4 T2 2018

Well done to the following students who received a REP badge at assembly yesterday.

Tanzi, Ronan and Arana received their respect badge for earning 30 respect REP cards.

Tanzi received her perseverance badge for earning 30 perseverance REP cards.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Beep Test T2 2018

Room 9 and 10 have been working really hard to improve their fitness this term for our upcoming Cross Country. Today we put our fitness to the test by completing the Beep Test. It was great to see students showing real perseverance throughout the test.

Well done to our top 5 students:
1. Emma
2. Alyssa
3. JB
4. Drelyn
5. Zion

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Year 8 Aspirations Awards T1 2018

Well done the following students who received an Aspirations Award for Term 1 at our first Year 8 Aspirations Assembly for the year.

The Confident Award - Tanzi Irion
The Inquiring Mind Award - Josh Whales
The Calculate Award - Zion Heitia-Brett (awarded from his maths teacher Mr Straker)
The Achieve Award - Zion Heitia-Brett
The Create Award - Arana Koia-Martin
The Aspire Award - Kodee Dalusag
The Connected Award - Emma Cockburn

Super REP - Week 2 T2 2018

Well done to JB, Josh, Emma and Gem who received their Super REP badge. They received their badge for earning 150 REP cards (50 respect, 50 excellence and 50 perseverance REP cards).

They were presented with their Super REP badge at assembly last week by Mrs Keen and will have their photo on the Super REP wall in the office foyer.

Thursday 3 May 2018

Mahi Time Update T1 & 2 2018

As part of our Mahi Time programme last term and for the first half of this term Room 9 and 10 have been learning about Social Change in Aotearoa, this relates to our school wide Inquiry topic TÅ«rangawaewae.

So far we have completed some learning around the Chinese Gold Miners and Racism in Aotearoa. Our writing focus for Mahi Time has been poetry and letter writing. Check out some of the great writing that has been created around the Chinese Gold Miners and Racism in Aotearoa.

Click here to read Josh's Chinese Gold Miners Letter

Click here to read Zion.H-B's Chinese Gold Miners Letter

Click here to read Brooke's Racism in Aotearoa Haiku Poem

Click here to read Sam's Racism in Aotearoa Poem

Click here to read Zion.R's Racism in Aotearoa Acrostic Poem

Click here to read Alexis's Racism in Aotearoa Letter