Friday 27 July 2018

Friday Good Vibes - Week 1 T3 2018

Well done to the following students who received a Friday Good Vibes postcard for the first week of this term.

Kaden received his postcard for having an awesome first week at Casebrook and fitting in well in Room 9.

Em received her postcard for being a real Casebrook REP by looking after our international students and making sure they enjoy their time at Casebrook and in Room 9.

Dylan (from our Deputy Principal Mr Leith) received his postcard for all his effort and enthusiasm in the school rock band.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

First Session of Bootcamp T3 2018

This term for PE Room 9 and 10 are participating in Bootcamp style training sessions. We are looking to improve our fitness this term and learn correct technique when exercising. Today we did two different circuits which were very intense!

Saturday 7 July 2018

Casebrook Challenge T2 2018

We ended a busy Term 2 with our Casebrook Challenge Assembly. As well as students receiving their gold badges we also had awesome performances from our Pasifika group and Rock Band.

Well done to the 29 students from Room 9 who walked across stage and received their gold badge. Great way to end the term.

Friday 6 July 2018

Year 8 Aspirations Awards T2 2018

Well done to the following students who received an Aspirations Award for Term 2 at our Year 8 Aspirations Assembly.

The Calculate Award - Tanzi Irion (awarded from her maths teacher Mr McBride)
The Inquiring Mind Award - Em Nicolson
The Create Award - Alexis Grandi
The Achieve Award - Aryan Singh
The Connected Award - Dylan Webb
The Confident Award - Drelyn Matthias
The Aspire Award - JB Harris