Thursday 30 May 2019


As part of our Inquiry around the concept of Relationships we created roadmaps of our lives as our final project. The purpose of this is to show an understanding of the relationship we have with ourselves and understand how the main events in our lives contribute to the relationship we have with ourselves and others.

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Letter Writing T2 2019

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about the Tangiwai Disaster. After researching, completing activities and watching documentaries around the disaster we wrote letters of our experience as if we were a survivor.

We have been focussing on recounting the main events in detail, writing in first person and using formal language.

Monday 27 May 2019

Friday Good Vibes - Week 4 T2 2019

Well done to Ashleigh who received our Friday Good Vibes postcard last week. She received it for being a great student leader.

Friday 24 May 2019

AT1 Casebrook Challenge Assembly/Open Classrooms 2019

Today we had our Casebrook Challenge Assembly and Open Classrooms to end our first academic term of the year. At this assembly gold Casebrook Challenge badges were handed out.

Well done to the 22 students from Room 9 who received their first gold Casebrook Challenge badge.

We also had two students receive a bronze Casebrook Challenge badge.

Following the Celebration Assembly we had Open Classrooms. This was an opportunity for parents and whānau to see Room 9 in action and for students to share their learning from AT1. Thanks to all those who came along.

Check out the all the highlights from AT1 in Room 9 on this video.

Thursday 23 May 2019

PTA Movie Mufti Day 2019

Check out the students from Room 9 dressed as their favourite movie characters for the PTA fundraiser.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Year 7 Assembly Awards - Week 4 T2 2019

Well done to the following students who received an award at our first Year 7 Assembly for Term 2. They received an award for going 'above and beyond'.

Liam - for always looking out for his mates.

Houston - for having a positive start in Room 9 and at Casebrook.

Monday 20 May 2019

Last Session of Tech T2 2019

Last Friday students had their last session of Tech for the first academic term. Majority of students were in Digi and a handful in Foods. Great to see heaps of REP being shown during these sessions.

Students in Digi will move to Hard Materials and students in Foods will move to Digi for the next academic term.

Friday 17 May 2019

First Session of Turbo Touch T2 2019

Today Room 9 had their first session of Turbo Touch with Logan from Touch Canterbury. Today we learnt how to tap and run with the touch ball.

Friday Good Vibes - Week 3 T2 2019

Well done to Addison who received our Friday Good Vibes postcard for this week. She received it for her awesome performance in assembly on Tuesday.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Friday Good Vibes - Week 2 T2 2019

Well done to Ashton and Houston who received our Friday Good Vibes postcard last week.

Ashton - for being engaged with his learning.

Hosuton - for having a positive start in Room 9 and at Casebrook.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Addison's Assembly Performance T2 2019

Today we were treated to an awesome performance in assembly by Addison. She sung and played the song Rain on the ukulele. Well done Addison, a big achievement to perform in front of the whole school.

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Golden Beacon Cup - Jump Jam 2019

With the weather postponing our last round of our second Year 7 sport competition Kick Ball, the Year 7 team got into the hall for some Jump Jam. Good to see the students being active and showing everyone their moves.

Friday 3 May 2019

Friday Good Vibes - Week 1 T2 2019

Well done to Boraq who received our Friday Good Vibes postcard for the first week of Term 2. He received it for doing a great job in the canteen this week and completing his Casebrook Challenge before the due date.

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Invasion Games - Week 1 T2 2019

This week for PE we are looking at different types of passing and different strategies we can use to get away from our defender. We are learning these skills through the invasion game Bench Ball.