Monday 28 February 2022

Friday Good Vibes - Week 4 T1 2022

Well done to Alex who received our Friday Good Vibes postcard for last week. He received it for having a positive and hardworking attitude towards school life. Go Lex!

Tuesday 22 February 2022

Frisbee Golf

An awesome afternoon in the sun having a go at the frisbee golf course created by some of the students.

Monday 21 February 2022

Self Portraits

This week we have been creating our self portraits. Students were given half their face and have to create the other half as their alter ego.

Keep posted for the final products!

Sunday 20 February 2022

Friday Good Vibes - Week 3 T1 2022

Well done to Cayden who received our Friday Good Vibes postcard for this week. He received it for having a positive start to the year and always trying hard to show REP.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

First Library Lesson 2022

Today we had our first library lesson. With our library currently being used as a classroom because of the refurb, the library was brought to us in Room 5 and 6. Students enjoyed browsing and issuing the different books we have available at school.

Monday 14 February 2022

Friday Good Vibes - Week 2 T1 2022

Well done to Anthony and Manaia who received our first Friday Good Vibes postcard for 2022.

Anthony - for having a positive start to the year and doing a great job leading Kapa haka and speaking at our Mihi Whakatau. 

Manaia - for having a positive start to the year and having a great first session as a peer support leader.

Wednesday 9 February 2022

First Tech Lesson AT1 2022

Today students had their first lesson of Tech for 2022.

Students are in either Foods, Hard Materials or Digi. We look forward to seeing what creations they design and create this academic term.

Tuesday 8 February 2022

First Day 2022

Today we had our first day as Year 8's. It was a great day for everyone to catch up and get back into life at Casebrook. We are all looking forward to another busy and fun-filled year in Room 6 and at Casebrook.

Saturday 5 February 2022

Room 6's Blog 2022

Welcome to 2022 in Room 6 at Te Kura Mareko Casebrook Intermediate. Keep up-to-date with what's happening in Room 6 through this blog.