Tuesday 31 May 2022

Samoan Language Week 2022 - Phrase of the Day

Talofa lava!

This week is Samoan Language Week. At Casebrook we are doing many different things to celebrate the language and culture of Samoa such as, having a phrase of the day, learning about the culture, learning a school sasa and lots more.

Here is today's phrase of the day presented by some of the Year 8 members of our Pasifika group.

Manuia le aso - have a great day.

Thursday 26 May 2022

AT1 Hard Materials Projects

 Check out the awesome storage boxes and speakers that were made in Hard Materials this academic term.

Monday 23 May 2022

Pink Shirt Day 2022

Last Friday was Pink Shirt Day NZ. Check out the students dressed in their pink shirts to stand up against bullying!

Friday 20 May 2022

Tech Update AT1 2022

Students are in their final weeks of their first Tech rotation for this academic term. Looking forward to seeing the final creations.

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Assembly - Week 3 T2 2022

Well done to Frano and Charlotte who received their Super REP badge. They received their Super REP badge for earning 180 REP cards (60 respect, 60 excellence and 60 perseverance).

They were presented with their Super REP badge by Mr Leith and will have their photo on the Super REP wall in the office foyer.

Well done to Elijah who received the REP certificate for Room 6. He received it for having a great attitude towards his academic, cultural and sporting pursuits.

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Dangerous Decibels Lesson

Today we had Cheryl from Hearing NZ come in and run a lesson called Dangerous Decibels. Students learnt about how their ears work, how sound works and travels and how they can protect their hearing.

Thursday 5 May 2022

Inquiry - Minecraft Lesson

This academic term our school-wide is based around Mātauranga. We have been learning about the history of migration in the Pacific and all the stories of how our Polynesian ancestors navigated the Pacific to migrate to Aotearoa, New Zealand. 

We were lucky enough to have Willj from ImpactEd work with our class on using Minecraft to demonstrate our knowledge of what we have been learning through our Inquiry. The lesson was really engaging and we are looking forward to using Minecraft in class a lot more.

Wednesday 4 May 2022

Assembly - Week 1 T2 2022

Well done to Lucy J and Lily who received their Super REP badge. They received their Super REP badge for earning 180 REP cards (60 respect, 60 excellence and 60 perseverance).

They were presented with their Super REP badge by Mr Leith and will have their photo on the Super REP wall in the office foyer.

Well done to Henrietta who received the REP certificate for Room 6. She received it for always striving to do her best in her learning.

Congratulations to the following students who received a REP badge.

Kennedy and Alex received their perseverance badge for earning 40 perseverance REP cards.