Friday 28 July 2017

Information Reports

Check out some of the information reports that students have posted to their learning blogs. These reports are on the evolution of McDonalds and how they have evolved into a multi-billion dollar business.

You can check out their blogs by clicking on the students name on the right hand side of this blog.

Click here to read Kaitlyn's report

Click here to read Sam's report

Click here to read Deana's report

Auction Winners - Week 1 T3 2017

We have recently started using Banqer in class. Banqer is a learning programme where each student has a bank account and can earn money through class jobs as well as good work bonuses. There are also fines for not following the Room 9 Treaty, our REP values and not completing work to the Room 9 standard.

Each week we have a weekly auction where students can use their money and bid for prizes. Well done to JB, Brock, Arana, Emma and Summa who won auctions this week.

Friday Good Vibes - Week 1 T3 2017

Well done to Ronan who received our Friday Good Vibes postcard for this week.

He received it for having a great start to the term and engaging with his learning.

REP of the Week - Week 1 T3 2017

Congrats to Brock who was drawn as our REP of the Week for the first week of Term 3.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Casebrook Challenge T2 2017

Well done to the 27 students from Room 9 who received their gold Casebrook Challenge badge for this term. It is awesome that we had almost our whole class walk across the stage at our Casebrook Challenge Assembly and recieve their gold badge. We also had two students recieve their silver badge for this term.

A great way to end a very busy and jam packed Term 2!

Year 7 Aspirations Awards T2 2017

Well done to the following students who received an Aspirations Award at our end of term Year 7 Aspirations Assembly.

The Connected Award - Ollie Floris
The Aspire Award - Josh Whales
The Confident Award - JB Harris
The Inquiring Mind Award - Deana Kydd
The Achieve Award - Jess Cade
The Create Award - Emma Cockburn

Tuesday 4 July 2017

REP Badges - Week 10 T2 2017

Well done to these students who received a REP badge in Assembly today.

These students received their excellence badge for earning 30 excellence REP cards: Zek, Gem, Zion, Summa and Ronan.

These students received their respect badge for earning 30 respect REP cards: Tiger, Brock, Zion and JB.

Great to see students beginning to earn their second badge, shows that they are consistently showing REP inside and outside of the classroom.

Monday 3 July 2017

Final Youthtown Session for Term 2 2017

Today Room 9 and 10 had their final Youthtown session. The students were split into teams and had to put the skills they had practiced over the term into game play. It was great to see students showing the Youthtown values of belonging, mastery, independence and generosity.

Thanks to the Youthtown team for a fun and engaging term of sports.

Friday Good Vibes - Week 9 T2 2017

Well done to Elsie and Alexis who received our Friday Good Vibes postcards for Week 9.

Elsie (from our Teacher Aide Liz) - For always encouraging and supporting the students in Room 9.

Alexis - For always completing work with a smile and a positive attitude.

REP of the Week - Week 9 T2 2017

Well done to Ravnit who is our REP of the Week. He received REP of the Week for showing REP at Tech. Well done Ravnit!

REP Badges - Week 8 T2 2017

Well done to these students who received their first REP badge in assembly. They received their excellence badge for earning 30 excellence REP cards.

Excellence REP Badge: JB, Ravnit, Jazz, Dylan, Emma, Aryan, Alyssa, Sam, Ruby, Drelyn and Dylan.