Monday 3 July 2017

Friday Good Vibes - Week 9 T2 2017

Well done to Elsie and Alexis who received our Friday Good Vibes postcards for Week 9.

Elsie (from our Teacher Aide Liz) - For always encouraging and supporting the students in Room 9.

Alexis - For always completing work with a smile and a positive attitude.


  1. well done alexis and elsie we sorta do the same thing at are school we call them ideal cards by tarras

  2. Hi Casebrook
    Well done to Alexis and Elsie we have something something sorta the same but they are called IDEAL cards witch stands for...
    Dare to succeed.
    Engage with mana.
    Act with respect.
    Learn with purpose.
    But there is one question I want to ask do you get a prize for them?
    From Gabby O.I.S
