Wednesday 13 December 2017

Year 7 Celebration Assembly 2017

Today we had our Year 7 Celebration Assembly. This was a great opportunity to celebrate all the great things the students in Year 7 have achieved this year.

Well done to the following Room 9 students who received Merit Awards:

Deana Kydd - for Respect
Joshua Whales - for Excellence
Oliver Floris - for Perseverance
Kaitlyn Auckram - for excellence in Digital Technology
Kaitlyn Auckram - for excellence in Science
Zekerya Amiri - for excellence in ESOL
Tanzi Irion - for excellence in Student Leadership
Alyssa Allnutt - for being a positive and outstanding member of the Room 9 community

At this assembly we also had 29 students receive their Casebrook Challenge gold badge for Term 4. It was awesome to see so many students from Room 9 on stage receiving their gold badge.

Check out the awesome year the Year 7 team has had this year.

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