Tuesday 18 December 2018

Formal 2018

Last night we had our Leavers Formal. It was a great night had by all the Year 8's.

Last Day 2018

Yesterday we had our last day of the year. We celebrated by having a shared lunch and all the Year 8's did shirt signing in the afternoon.

What an awesome two years we have had in Room 9 and at Casebrook!

Room 9 2018

Check out the awesome year we have had in Room 9!

Friday 14 December 2018

Hanmer Springs 2018

Today the whole of Casebrook had it's Big Day Out to Hanmer Springs. It was a great way to end an awesome year and the weather also played its part.

Thursday 13 December 2018

Prizegiving 2018

Last night we had our school prizegiving. It was a great evening celebrating all the success Casebrook has had this year. Year 8 leavers also received their leavers awards.

Well done to the following Room 9 students who received excellence awards or trophies.

Emma Cockburn - for consistent effort
Kaitlyn Auckram - for academic success
Joshua Harris - for REP
Zion Heitia-Brett - for Kapa haka boy
Zion Heitia-Brett - for athletics boy

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Year 8 Celebration Assembly 2018

Today we had our Year 8 Celebration Assembly. This was a great way to celebrate all the great things the Year 8 students have achieved this year.

Well done to the following Room 9 students who received a Merit Award:

Joshua Samuels - for diligent service to the Sports Shack
Joshua Samuels - for diligent service to the Library
Oliver Floris - for diligent service to the Sports Shack
Oliver Floris - for diligent service to the Library
Arana Koia-Martin - for Respect
Gem Baillie - for Excellence
Ruby Hart - for School Council representative
Tanzi Irion - for Perseverance
Drelyn Matthias - for Class Leader
Drelyn Matthias - for being a positive and outstanding member of Room 9 (Co-ordinators Award)

At this Assembly we had 27 students receive their Casebrook Challenge gold badge. Great to have so many students receive their last badge.

Thursday 6 December 2018

Last Northcote School Visit T4 2018

Today Room 9 and 10 went to Northcote School for our last visit. For the last month the students have been helping a Year 2 and 3 class with their Inquiry projects.

Today students shared and presented their final projects and we ended the afternoon with sports, games and ice blocks.

Well done to the students from Room 9 and 10 who all stood up as real role models for the Northcote students.