Tuesday 11 December 2018

Year 8 Celebration Assembly 2018

Today we had our Year 8 Celebration Assembly. This was a great way to celebrate all the great things the Year 8 students have achieved this year.

Well done to the following Room 9 students who received a Merit Award:

Joshua Samuels - for diligent service to the Sports Shack
Joshua Samuels - for diligent service to the Library
Oliver Floris - for diligent service to the Sports Shack
Oliver Floris - for diligent service to the Library
Arana Koia-Martin - for Respect
Gem Baillie - for Excellence
Ruby Hart - for School Council representative
Tanzi Irion - for Perseverance
Drelyn Matthias - for Class Leader
Drelyn Matthias - for being a positive and outstanding member of Room 9 (Co-ordinators Award)

At this Assembly we had 27 students receive their Casebrook Challenge gold badge. Great to have so many students receive their last badge.

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