Saturday 28 September 2019

Production 2019

This week we had our full school production White Lines: A History of NZ Rugby. We had 4 performances (1 matinee and 3 night performances).

Well done to all the students from Room 9 for putting in heaps of hard work into our class dance, it looked awesome! A great way to end a busy Term 3.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Cultural Festival 2019

Well done to the students that were involved in the Cultural Festival a couple of weeks ago. We had our Pasifika, Korean Dance and Kapa haka groups perform at Horncastle Arena. The students involved can be very proud of how they REPresented our school. Check out the awesome performance.

Athletics - Week 10 T3 2019

In preparation for our school athletics day next term Rooms 1, 2, 9 and 13 had a mini athletics rotation. Each class rotated around long jump, high jump, shot put and sprints.

Saturday 21 September 2019

Production Dress Rehearsal 2019

On Friday we had our full school dress rehearsal for our upcoming production 'White Lines: A History of NZ Rugby'. Check out Room 9 performing our class dance. It is looking great!

Thursday 19 September 2019

2019 Rugby World Cup Sweepstake

Today we drew out our countries for our RWC sweepstake. Each student will track their countries' progress as a Casebrook Challenge. Check out who got which country.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Large Ball Skills - Week 9 T3 2019

This week we are beginning to wrap up our Large Ball Skills unit. This term we have been focusing on basketball and netball. Over the next two weeks we will be using all the skills we have learnt this term and putting them into gameplay.

Friday 6 September 2019

AT2 Casebrook Challenge Assembly 2019

Today we had our Casebrook Challenge Assembly to end our second academic term of the year. At this assembly gold Casebrook Challenge badges were handed out.

Well done to the 25 students from Room 9 who received a gold Casebrook Challenge badge. Great to see so many students from Room 9 receiving a badge.

Last Session of Tech T3 2019

Today students are in their last session of Tech for this academic term. Majority of students are in Hard Materials and a handful are in Digi. Some really awesome projects have been created this term.

Students in Hard Materials will move to Foods and students in Digi will move to Hard Materials for the next academic term.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Assembly Badges/Awards - Week 7 T3 2019

Well done to the following students who received a REP badge in assembly on Tuesday.

Mary, Zo and Boraq received their respect badge for earning 40 respect REP cards.

Dan and Sophia received their excellence badge for earning 40 excellence REP cards.

We also had many students from Room 9 receive awards in assembly.

Makiya, Monique, Keela, Brodie, Mary, Zoe, Eva, Addi and Ash all received netball awards as their netball teams placed in their respective grades for Hagley Sports.

Boraq and Liam received a football award as their football teams placed in their respective grades for Hagley Sports.

Addi and Aysia were presented with their award that they received at Bandquest Regionals last week. The girls won the award for best vocalists, a great achievement.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Mahi Time - Inventions T3 2019

Over the past few weeks we have been reading and completing activities around inventions. We have been reading and learning about Thomas Eddison, accidental inventions and much more.

Check out some of the great work that has been completed.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

School Speech Finals 2019

Well done to Boraq who was one of the five Year 7's to represent us at the school speech finals today. Boraq presented his moving speech on racism.

Well done for REPresenting the Year 7 team, you did great!

Monday 2 September 2019

Ben and Makiya's Casebrook Challenge T3 2019

Today we had Ben's dog come in and meet the class.

Makiya has been working hard in the kitchen. She made a 3-course meal for her whānau.