Thursday 5 September 2019

Assembly Badges/Awards - Week 7 T3 2019

Well done to the following students who received a REP badge in assembly on Tuesday.

Mary, Zo and Boraq received their respect badge for earning 40 respect REP cards.

Dan and Sophia received their excellence badge for earning 40 excellence REP cards.

We also had many students from Room 9 receive awards in assembly.

Makiya, Monique, Keela, Brodie, Mary, Zoe, Eva, Addi and Ash all received netball awards as their netball teams placed in their respective grades for Hagley Sports.

Boraq and Liam received a football award as their football teams placed in their respective grades for Hagley Sports.

Addi and Aysia were presented with their award that they received at Bandquest Regionals last week. The girls won the award for best vocalists, a great achievement.

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