Wednesday 11 December 2019

Year 7 Prizegiving 2019

This morning we had our Year 7 Prizegiving. This was a great way to celebrate all the great things the Year 7 students have achieved this year.

Well done to following students who received an excellence award:

Zoe Porteous - for consistent effort.
Olie Festing - for REP.
Boraq Nasir - for academic achievement.

Well done to the following students who received a merit award:

Liam McFedries - for being a positive and outstanding member of the Room 9 community (Coordinators Award).
Houston Bishop - for perseverance.
Ash Peters - for excellence.
Aysia Winter-Perry - for respect.

Well done to the following students who received a merit award for excellence in a subject area:

Addison Ransfield - for excellence in Music.
Jade Collins - for excellence in Edible Gardens.
Boarq Nasir - for excellence in Hard Materials.
Mary Abao - for excellence in Art.
Aysia Winter-Perry - for excellence in Music.

Well done to the following students who received a merit award for diligent service:

Zoe Porteous - for diligent service in sports shack.
Lily Au - for diligent service in the canteen.
Jade Collins - for diligent service in the canteen.
Dan McPherson - for diligent service in the sport shed.
Dylan Spencer - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Liam McFedries - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Montel Taylor - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Aysia Winter-Perry - for diligent service in the sports shack.
Ash Peters - for diligent service to student leader and school council.

A big congratulations to Ash Peters who was announced as one of our House Leaders for 2020. Well done Ash you're going to smash it next year!

At this prize giving we also had 25 students receive their Casebrook Challenge gold badge. Well done to all the students who received their badge.

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