Friday 17 April 2020

Online Learning - Week 1, Term 2

We have made it through our first week of online learning!

We have all enjoyed catching up via Google Hangouts and spending the week adjusting to our new way of learning.

Each day we complete a Daily Writing Challenge. Have a read of some of the great writing that has been produced this week.

While Grandma was at bingo, Jeremey started to get bored. Woosh. A car zoomed past his Grandmas’s house. He looked outside and saw his Grandma speeding in her car, in her neighbourhood. He went outside and started looking for his Grandma. But quickly did he wake as he ran into a tree! It turns out for Jeremey it was a dream.
- Written By Holly.

While grandma was at bingo Jeremy wanted to cook so he went to the kitchen, he didn't know what to cook nor did he know how to. He was scared, he didn't want to burn grandma's kitchen down. First he tried to make a smoothie but he didn't put the lid on tight enough and it exploded everywhere so he tried to make toast. Soon the fire alarm went off and he burnt the toast. Jeremy started getting angry and started throwing things around “smash, bang, bash,” things went flying everywhere, things were breaking and then grandma walked in.
- Written by Addi.

Snickerdoodle and Ginger loved bath time but why did they look so worried. Well Snickerdoodle was scared he would swallow all the bubbles making him stop breathing and probably cough out bubbles. But Ginger was scared of what comes next, he liked to see it as the torturous towel ‘’so bumpy and bristly’’ he thought. Bubbly Snickerdoodle and bubbly Ginger were so scared, when all of a sudden their owner pulled out a hair dryer blowing away all the bubbles on Snickerdoodle and made ginger not have to use a towel. They lived a bubbly beautiful life happy they didn't need to use the torturous towel.

- Written by Liam.

It was such a bargain! It has golf, a beach and free internet! Oh no dad used again. “Where are we?” I asked. “Bargain Island!” Said dad. That's not a place I thought. A castle sat upright on a steep hill with a water boundary. No beach here! It didn’t even have any flat land for golf! WE WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE! Trees that were lush green stared at us as we walked upon the rickety path to what seemed like a castle themed hotel. Crack!!! The bridge was ripping apart, “RUN!” Dad yelled. We made it (just). A weird voice came from inside the castle...
- Written by Boraq.

Dad has secretly gone out of his way to plan a holiday for his family. But little does his family know that he has once again used the Dad has remembered every little detail like, what seat, what row, how much baggage they are allowed, but he has forgotten to put where they go on holiday. If you do not specify where you want to go on the then they randomly pick for you. That means, Rome, Fiji, Africa or even Antarctica. Dad is very excited to tell his family that they are going on a holiday. When dad tells everyone, they are very thrilled to be going to Australia. Dad holds onto the tickets until the day they go. They have all packed summery clothes because it is hot in Australia and they are expecting to go to a lot of beaches. They are also expecting to play a lot of golf because dad loves golf. “Is there internet?” says one of the kids. “ Yeah, and there better be bargain stores there because I have got a lot of cash to burn,” says another kid. They arrive at the airport all pumped to go on their holiday. They make it to the boarding lane and dad says “oh everyone here’s your tickets.” Everybody looks at their tickets and their mum says to dad “ um how come it says we are going to Alaska?” “Oh no,” dad says to himself, “ I forgot to select our destination!”
- Written by Ash.

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