Monday 21 December 2020

Formal 2020

Check out the photos from our Year 8 Formal last Thursday. Great night had by all!

Thursday 17 December 2020

Last Day 2020

Today we had our last day of the year. We celebrated by having a shared lunch and all the Year 8's did shirt signing in the afternoon.

What an awesome two years we have had at Casebrook and in Room 2!

Friday 11 December 2020

Prizegiving 2020

Last night we had our school prizegiving. It was a great evening celebrating all the success Casebrook has had this year. Year 8 leavers also received their leavers' award.

Well done to the following students who received a class excellence award:

Liam McFedries - for consistent effort.
Keela Connolly - for REP.
Boraq Nasir - for academic achievement.

Well done to the following students who received an excellence award and trophy:

Addi Ransfield - for Performing Arts (Buchanan Trophy).
Addi Ransfield - for most promising musician.
Brodie Marshall - for most influential netballer.
Houston Bishop - for most significant personal growth and attitudinal progress (Ruth Whittington Memorial Trophy).
Ash Peters - for citizenship (Case Cup).