Wednesday 9 December 2020

Year 8 Celebration Assembly 2020

Today we had our Year 8 Celebration Assembly. This was a great way to celebrate all the great things the Year 8 students have achieved this year.

Well done to the following students who received a class merit award:

Phoenix Kokaua-Lush - for respect.
Holly Clemenger - for excellence.
Mohammad Mehdizadeh - for perseverance.
Brodie Marshall - for being an outstanding and positive member of the Room 2 community (Coordinators Award).

We also had 29 students receive their Casebrook Challenge gold badge for this term. Well done to all the students who received their final gold badge.

Well done to the following students who received a merit award for excellence in a subject area:

Zoe Porteous - excellence in Art.
Makiya Boddington - excellence in Edible Gardens.
Ash Peters - excellence in Performing Arts.
Ash Peters - excellence in Dance.
Wiparata Heitia - excellence in Pasifika.

Well done to the following students who received a merit award for diligent service:

Liam McFedries - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Dan McPherson - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Dylan Spencer - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Montel Taylor - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Zoe Porteous - for diligent service in the sports shack.
Colbie Van Dyk - for diligent service in the sports shack.
Holly Clemenger - for diligent service in the school library.
Ashleigh Peters - for diligent service in the school library.
Zoe Porteous - for diligent service in the school library.
Addi Ransfield - for diligent service in the school library.
Sophia Hastie - for diligent service in road patrol.
Ashleigh Peters - for diligent service in road patrol.
Zoe Porteous - for diligent service in road patrol.
Ashleigh Peters - for diligent service as a school leader (Cavendish).
Zoe Porteous - for diligent service as a student council leader.
Liam McFedries - for diligent service as a class leader.

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