Wednesday 31 March 2021

PE - Striking and Fielding

This term our PE focus is on Striking and Fielding. We have been doing our PE programme with Room 5 and each session consists of a warm-up drill and two rotations that focus on a particular striking and fielding skill. Our main focus has been around using the correct technique when throwing, catching, batting and fielding.

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Casebrook Challenge Update T1 2021

Students have been completing some great Casebrook Challenges this term. It is has been awesome to see students working really hard on their challenges, they are all so keen to earn their gold badge!

Here are just some of the challenges that have been completed.

Cayden, Frano, Lucy, Dylan and Elijah have been busy in the kitchen baking some goodies to share with the class.

Charlotte has been spending her time making this awesome quilt!

Finally, Tyler has created an awesome sundial, looks great!

Friday 26 March 2021

REP Star of the Week & Friday Good Vibes - Week 8 T1 2021

Well done to Finn who was drawn out as our REP Star of the Week and to Charlie who received our Friday Good Vibes postcard for this week. He received it for making good choices in class and doing a great job running the sports shed.

PTA Easter Mufti Day

Check out some of the students from Room 6 dressed up in easter theme for our PTA fundraiser.

Thursday 25 March 2021

Assembly - Week 8 T1 2021

On Tuesday, with our hall finally refurbed we were able to hold our first full school assembly for the year.

At the assembly, Frano who is our student leader was presented with his school council badge.

This year, we have introduced a new segment into our school assemblies, Minute to Win It. At random two students from each house are chosen to partake in a challenge. If they win they earn their house 1000 points. 

Today's challenge was to see how many marshmallows you could catch in your mouth in a minute. Anthony and Lucy from our class were lucky enough to be chosen to represent their house. Well done to Anthony who won the challenge. He caught 7/12 marshmallows!

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Tug of War 2021

Check out the photos from our annual House Tug of War competition. Well done to Veitches house for taking out the competition.

Monday 22 March 2021

Name Art

Check out the awesome name art that we have been working on over the last couple of weeks. We were focussing on being creative with the way we use lines to represent our name, as well as using contrasting colours to make our art stand out.