Thursday 25 March 2021

Assembly - Week 8 T1 2021

On Tuesday, with our hall finally refurbed we were able to hold our first full school assembly for the year.

At the assembly, Frano who is our student leader was presented with his school council badge.

This year, we have introduced a new segment into our school assemblies, Minute to Win It. At random two students from each house are chosen to partake in a challenge. If they win they earn their house 1000 points. 

Today's challenge was to see how many marshmallows you could catch in your mouth in a minute. Anthony and Lucy from our class were lucky enough to be chosen to represent their house. Well done to Anthony who won the challenge. He caught 7/12 marshmallows!

1 comment:

  1. That's an impressive skill to add to your repetoire Anthony!
