Thursday 17 June 2021

Cross Country 2021

Pictures from our School Cross Country. Well done to all the students in Room 6 who participated, all the training really paid off.

Well done to the following students who placed in the Top 50 for their race:

Year 7 Girls:
16th = Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart
26th = Lily Morrison-Clark
27th = Millie Johnson
33rd = Henrietta MacMillan
41st = Lucy Maule
42nd = Ella Lurhs
43rd = Emma DeLeijer
49th = Izzy Quenault
50th = Lydia Brookland

Year 7 Boys:
10th = Charlie Delaney
24th = Josh Church
32nd = Anthony Thurlow
36th = Cayden O'Malley
40th = Finn Stodart
43rd = Jemuel Bagtas
47th = Cameron Leitch
49th = Frano Chaplin

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