Tuesday 13 July 2021

Term 2 Casebrook Challenge Assembly 2021

On Friday, we had our Casebrook Challenge Assembly to end Term 2. At this assembly gold Casebrook Challenge badges were handed out. Well done to the 28 students from Room 6 who received a gold badge - awesome achievement!

This terms Casebrook Challenge Champ award for Room 6 went to Dylan. He put a lot of hard work and time into his go kart that he made as part of his challenges. Well done Dylan!

This term students had the option of completing a Super Challenge. They spent their time making a go kart to race in the Casebrook Go Kart Derby. Well done to Tyler whose go kart came first in the non-motorised derby.

Well done to the following students who completed a Science Badge as part of their challenges.
Lucy J - Food Technology.
Lucy M - Sport Science.
Millie - Food Technology