Thursday 9 December 2021

Year 7 Prizegiving 2021

This morning we had our Year 7 Prizegiving. This was a great way to celebrate all the great things the Year 7 students have achieved this year. We had so many Room 6 students receive prizes today, we are all so super proud of their achievements.

Because of Covid restrictions, we were unable to invite our community to attend. The prizegiving was live streamed for our community to watch. Below is the recording for you to watch.

Well done to the following students who received an excellence certificate:

Anthony Thurlow - Coordinators Award (for being a positive and outstanding member of the Room 6 community).
Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart - for REP.
Lily Morrison-Clarke - for academic achievement.
Cameron Leitch - for consistent effort.

Well done to the 27 Room 6 students who received their Casebrook Challenge gold badge for Term 4 and to the students who received a merit certificate:

Emma deLeijer - Casebrook Challenge Champ Award (for Term 4).
Lucy Maule - for respect.
Charlotte Collins - for perseverance.
Finn Stodart - for excellence.

Well done to the following students who received a merit certificate for excellence in a subject area:

Amelia Cavanagh - for excellence in Hard Materials.
Emma deLeijer - for excellence in Foods.
Lydia Brookland - for excellence in Foods.
Lydia Brookland - for excellence in Hard Materials.
Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart - for excellence in Performing Arts.

Well done to the following students who received a merit certificate for diligent service:

Frano Chaplin - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Frano Chaplin - for diligent service to student leader and school council.
Anthony Thurlow - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Charlie Delaney - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Cameron Leitch - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Emma deLeijer - for diligent service in the canteen.
Lucy Maule - for diligent service in the canteen.
Lucy Maule - for diligent service in the sports shack.
Millie Johnson - for diligent service in the sports shack
Lucy Jenkins - for diligent service in the sports shack.
Ella Luhrs - for diligent service in the sports shack

Well done to the following students who received a trophy and an excellence certificate:

Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart - Casebrook Singers Trophy (for excellence in singing).
Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart - Swimming Trophy (for junior girls swimming).
Frano Chaplin - Jennifer Barnes Memorial Cup (for friendship and aroha).

Well done to the following students who were named as a school leader for 2022:

Anthony Thurlow - Kapa Haka Leader.
Charlie Delaney - Deputy Kapa Haka Leader.
Frano Chaplin - Northfield House Leader.
Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart - Deputy Head Girl and Northfield House Leader.

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