Wednesday 3 August 2022

Assembly - Week 2 T3 2022

Well done to Dylan and Liam who received their Super REP badge. They received their Super REP badge for earning 180 REP cards (60 respect, 60 excellence and 60 perseverance).

They were presented with their Super REP badge by Mr Leith and will have their photo on the Super REP wall in the office foyer. 

Well done to Cameron who received the REP certificate for Room 6. He received it for always working and getting along with everyone in the class - what a legend!

Lucy J and Lucy M were presented with their certificates from the CAIMS Hip Hop competition they attended at the end of last term. They were part of the Hip Hop group The Showstoppers, who placed 3rd. Well done girls.

Gia was presented with her Bronze Science badge. To earn one of these badges you have to complete 5 different Science badges. Well done Gia, what a great achievement!

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