Tuesday 13 September 2022

Assembly - Week 8 T3 2022

Well done to Finn and Alex who received their Super REP badge. They received their Super REP badge for earning 180 REP cards (60 respect, 60 excellence and 60 perseverance).

They were presented with their Super REP badge by Mr Leith and will have their photo on the Super REP wall in the office foyer. 

Well done to Lily who received the REP certificate for Room 6. She received it for consistently showing great dedication to her learning.

A couple of weeks ago our school-wide REP was focus was around wearing our uniform with respect. Room 6 was presented with a PB4L certificate for placing 3rd overall in the school for wearing our uniform with respect. 

The Room 6 fiutsal team was presented with their certificate for coming 2nd in the Interclass Futsal tournament for Year 8.

Well done to Elijah and Anthony who both received basketball awards. Elijah received player of the season for the Boys B team and Anthony received player of the season for the Boys A team.

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