Saturday 23 September 2023

Term 3 Casebrook Challenge Assembly 2023

Today, we had our Casebrook Challenge Assembly for Term 3. At this assembly gold Casebrook Challenge badges were handed out.

Fa’amalo, malo le taumafia, congratulations and well done to the 26 students from Room 13, who received their gold Casebrook Challenge badge.

This terms Above and Beyond award for Room 13 went to Kaylee. She completed some amazing challenges this term. 

Well done to Nathan who completed a Maths badge about The Outdoors as part of his challenges. He also received the Above and Beyond award for the top Year 7 Maths badge for Term 3. What a champ!

This term we have had a big group of students involved in the Masterchef Super Challenge. Students who took part were recognised today for all their hard work in the kitchen this term. Well done to everyone who got involved!

Well done to the following students who received a REP badge.

Linkin, Nathan and Malachi received their respect badge for earning 40 respect REP cards.

Kaylee, Finn, Arlia, Amelie, Xavier, Claudia, Fiona and Patrick received their perseverance badge for earning 40 perseverance REP cards.

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