Tuesday 5 December 2023

Year 7 Prizegiving 2023

Today we had our Year 7 Prizegiving. We had so many Room 13 students receive prizes today, we are all so super proud of their achievements.

Well done to the following students who received a Class Excellence Certificate:

Malachi Rattray - Coordinators Award (for being a positive and outstanding member of the Room 13 community).
Nathan Wordsworth - for consistent effort.
Zarlee Hall - for academic achievement.
Arlia Wing - for REP. 

Well done to the following students who received a Class Merit Certificate.

Amelie Cowley - for respect.
Florence Proaño-Mears - for excellence.
Finn Johnson - for perseverance.

We also had 25 students receive their Casebrook Challenge gold badge. Well done to all the students who received their badge. This terms Casebrook Challenge Above and Beyond Award for Room 13 went to Faalavelave Masoe. This term she completed a Science badge, Maths badge and all her normal challenges.

Well done to the following students who received a Merit Certificate for excellence in a curriculum area:

Malachi Rattray - for excellence in Pasifika.
Nathan Wordsworth - for excellence in Food Technology.
Zarlee Hall - for excellence in Art.
Faalavelave Masoe - for excellence in Pasifika.

Well done to the following students who received a Merit Certificate for diligent service:

Malachi Rattray - for diligent service in the Sports Shed.
Finn Johnson - for diligent service in the Sports Shed.
Nathan Wordsworth - for diligent service in the Sports Shed.
Zarlee Hall - for diligent service in the Sports Shack.
Amelie Cowley - for diligent service in the Sports Shack.
Faalavelave Masoe - for diligent service in the Sports Shack.
Chelsey Hackett - for diligent service in the School Library.
Nathan Wordsworth - for diligent service to Class Leader.

Well done to Linkin Curwood who received a trophy and excellence certificate. He received the Orangi Athletics Cup (for Junior Boys Athletics).

Well done to the following students who were announced as a School Leader for 2024:

Malachi Rattray - Cultural Leader (Pasifika).
Faalavelave Masoe - Cultural Leader (Pasifika).
Nathan Wordsworth - House Leader (Veitches).
Arlia Wing - House Leader (Cavendish)
Florence Proaño-Mears - House Leader (Northfield)

Well done to Malachi Rattray and Florence Proaño-Mears who were announced as Head Students for 2024. Malachi will be our Deputy Head Boy and Florence will be our Head Girl. We all know they will do a great job stepping up into their roles next year.

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