Friday 23 June 2017

Friday Good Vibes - Week 8 T2 2017

School wide each teacher gives out a Friday Good Vibes postcard to a student who has had an awesome week. These postcards are taken home and shared with parents and whānau.

Well done to Tanzi and Zek who received our Friday Good Vibes postcards this week.

Tanzi (from our Teacher Aide Liz) - For helping and encouraging students who were struggling to operate the machinery in Hard Materials.

Zek - For working really hard on improving his reading and english language.


  1. Kia Ora Room 9

    We are year 8's in Room 6 from Oamaru Intermediate school.

    Congratulations to Zek and Tanzi for winning the good vibes Friday cards.

    At our school we have something similar called IDEAL cards.
    IDEAL stands for:
    D- Dare to Succeed
    E- Engage with mana
    A- Act with respect
    L- Learn with purpose

    However we get them all through out the week. We have a draw at the end of the week for each class.

    We have some questions about your good vibes Friday cards:
    - What do you do with them?
    - Can you win a prize with them?
    - How many are given out each week?
    - How are they chosen?
    - Who chooses them?
    - How many people can get them at once?
    - Can you get more than one?

    Your sincerely
    Room 6
    Oamaru Intermediate School

  2. Kia Ora Room 6

    We are year 7's from Casebrook Intermediate School in Christchurch.

    We are going to respond to your questions around our Friday Good Vibes card.

    These cards are sent home and shared with parents/caregivers/family. If you receive a card you get $200 on Banqer (online class banking system) and a REP card. In our class there are two handed out each week one from Mr Foster and one from our teacher aide Liz. They are given to students who are showing REP and who have been making the right choices during the week. You can get as many as possible, there are no records of who has got one and who hasn't.

    We also have REP cards which can be earned throughout the year. REP stands for Respect, Excellence and Perseverance. You can earn REP cards in the classroom, in the playground and in the community. Once you earn 30 REP cards in one area (eg. 30 excellence REP cards) then you receive a REP badge in assembly. If you earn 150 REP cards you get a Super REP badge.

    Thank you for your message.

    Yours sincerely
    Room 9
    Casebrook Intermediate School

  3. hi my name is manawa and i am from oamaru intermediate school. And i want to know what you do with the good vibes are they impotent what do you get with them.
