Friday 9 June 2017

Living with Low Vision

This week we had Ollie and Summa alongside their Resource Teacher from BLENNZ Denise talk to the class about what it is like living with low vision and how we can all help them.

They talked about how they deal with different situations and we were able to experience what it is like having low vision by wearing low vision goggles. We were able to see what it is like to be in everyday situations with low vision through role play. Sam also talked to us about how he as Ollie's good friend supports and helps him.

Thank you Ollie, Summa, Sam this was a very insightful experience for everyone. Big thanks to Denise for being a great support person for Ollie and Summa.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Room 9

    I am a year 8 from Oamaru Intermediate School.

    I think its wonderful that you had children come in and talk about low vision and how you even had goggles to show the children what living with low vision is like because if you just tell them something it will most likely go threw one ear and out threw the other but using the goggles to actually show whats it like it shows the kids some people dont always have a lucky life but they will always have there head high no matter what.

    What was it like to have the opportunity to see what living like with low vision is like?

    Yours Sincerely
    Emma from Oamaru Intermediate School
