Friday 9 December 2022

Prizegiving 2022

Last night we had our school prizegiving. It was a great evening celebrating all the success the students at Casebrook have had this year. 

Fa'amalo malo le taumafia, congratulations and well done to the Room 6 leavers for 2022, who received their leavers certificate. 

Well done to the following students who received a class excellence certificate:

Lily Morrison-Clarke - for academic achievement.
Manaia Hurunui - for REP.
Anthony Thurlow - for consistent effort.

Well done to the following students who received an excellence certificate and trophy:

Anthony Thurlow - Te Whānau O Te Ao Trophy (for Kapa Haka - Boys).
Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart - Christopher Peat Cup (for Choir).
Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart - Casebrook Singers Excellence Trophy.
Frano Chaplin - Sporting Excellence Medal (for Rugby League).
Anthony Thurlow - Endeavour Athletics Cup (for Senior Boys Athletics Champion).
Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart - Fowler Trophy (for Senior Girls Swimming).
Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart - Case Cup (for Citizenship - Girls).
Frano Chaplin - Case Bros. Cup (for Citizenship - Boys).

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