Tuesday 6 December 2022

Year 8 Celebration Assembly 2022

Today we had our Year 8 Celebration Assembly. This was a great way to celebrate all the great things the Year 8 students have achieved this year. A big shout out to Gia who did a great job as one of the MCs for the assembly!

Well done to the following students who received a class merit certificate:

Henrietta MacMillan - for respect.
Lucy Jenkins - for excellence.
Roman Glavin - for perseverance.

Well done to the 25 students from Room 6 who received their Casebrook Challenge gold badge for this term. 

This terms Casebrook Challenge Champ for Room 6 went to Aidan Te'evale. He produced a great piece of art as part of his Super Challenge. The Casebrook Challenge Champ award for science badges for this term went to Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart. Gia always goes above and beyond with her science badge work.

Well done to the following students who received a merit certificate for excellence in a subject area:

Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart - for excellence in Science.
Charlotte Collins - for excellence in Performing Arts.
Charlie Delaney - for excellence in Kapa Haka.
Liam Finding - for excellence in Pasifika.
Frano Chaplin - for excellence in Sport.

Well done to the following students who received a merit certificate for diligent service:

Lucy Jenkins - for diligent service in the sports shack.
Millie Johnson - for diligent service in the sports shack.
Henrietta MacMillan - for diligent service in the sports shack.
Lucy Maule - for diligent service in the sports shack.
Frano Chaplin - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Charlie Delaney - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Cameron Leitch - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Anthony Thurlow - for diligent service in the sports shed.
Lydia Brookland - PTA Volunteer Award.
Lydia Brookland - for diligent service in road patrol.
Ella Luhrs - for diligent service in road patrol.
Frano Chaplin - for diligent service as a school leader (Northfield house leader and class leader).
Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart - for diligent service as a school leader (Deputy head girl and Northfield house leader).
Anthony Thurlow - for diligent service as a student council leader (Sports Coordinator and class leader).

The Coordinators Award - for being a positive and outstanding member of the Room 6 community went to Elijah Sommerfeld.

Well done to the following students who received a merit certificate for Top 20 REP Card Recipients for 2022. 

Lily Morrison-Clarke
Anthony Thurlow
Gia Soutzidellis-Urquhart
Frano Chaplin
Lucy Maule
Lucy Jenkins
Charlotte Collins

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