Tuesday 26 May 2020

Assembly Badges/Prizes - Week 7 T1 2020

Way back at the end of Term 1 we had heaps of students receive badges and prizes. Nice to be able to recognise their efforts.

Well done to Mary who is the first person in Room 2 to earn her Super REP badge. She received her Super REP badge for earning 180 REP cards (60 respect, 60 excellence and 60 perseverance).

Mary was presented with her Super REP badge by Miss Kerr and will have her photo on the Super REP wall in the office foyer.

Awesome achievement Mary!

Well done to the following students who received a REP badge.

Liam and Dan received their respect badge for earning 40 respect REP cards.

Houston and Wiparata received their excellence badge for earning 40 excellence REP cards.

Zoe, Keela, Brodie and Addi received their perseverance badge for earning 40 perseverance REP cards.

Liam who is our student leader this year was also presented with his student council badge.

Finally, at this assembly Olie's REP card was lucky enough to be drawn out to play REP Spin to Win. He won an 'awesome lollie bag.'

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