Thursday 28 May 2020

Term 1 Casebrook Challenge Assembly 2020

On Tuesday, we were finally able to have our Casebrook Challenge Assembly for Term 1. At this assembly gold Casebrook Challenge badges were handed out.

Well done to the 24 students from Room 2 who received a gold Casebrook Challenge badge. Great to see so many students persevere to earn a badge, especially under the circumstances at the end of Term 1.

At this assembly we also had heaps of students receive badges and prizes.

Well done to Olie, Boraq and Keela who received their Super REP badge. They received their Super REP badge for earning 180 REP cards (60 respect, 60 excellence and 60 perseverance).

They were presented with their Super REP badge by Mrs Keen and will have their photo on the Super REP wall in the office foyer.

Well done to the following students who received a REP badge.

Lily, Ben, Dyls, Amber, Shahanah and Cam received their respect badge for earning 40 respect REP cards.

Makiya, Georgie, Monique and Montel received their excellence badge for earning 40 excellence REP cards.

Houston, Wiparata, Holly, Jade, Sophia, Ash, Colbie and Luke received their perseverance badge for earning 40 perseverance REP cards.

Finally, we also had Dan and Jordyn receive their Subway lunch voucher. Dan received his voucher for being one of the weekly virtual REP Spin to Win winners from when we were learning online and Jordyn received his for placing in Casebrook's Got Lockdown Talent.

Well done boys!

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